Sherman Allen is known as the “Auto Doctor.”

Allen’s Rebuilt Transmissions is a family owned and operated auto shop that has been around since 1980. For 40 years, we have offered premier auto repairs, prompt towing services and quality transmission work. Sherman Allen is the owner of the company and he’s known as the “Auto Doctor.” We service both foreign and domestic transmissions, and all of our work is guaranteed.
Come visit the cleanest shop around, and call the professionals at Allen’s Rebuilt Transmissions for a service estimate. We’ll have your car up and running and back on the road in no time!

Auto Services in Newport, TN

Transfer Cases

Clutch Repair

Transmission Work
All of our transmission work is guaranteed and most extended warranty work is accepted.

“These people were incredible. First they told me a worst-case scenario price. It turned out to be a quick fix. They called me and let me know what was going on with my truck. Reasonable pricing, Friendly staff, quick and honest. Would recommend to anyone.”
Randy Richardson

“This place is awesome it took me 2 mechanics and 3 months out of work due to transportation. Went to Allen’s They fixed my vehicle quick and had me back on road. Sherman and his wife amazing people very informative and treat you like …”
Deborah Bass

“I have a 72 Chevelle with a mild 350 engine and was in need of having a more modern transmission for performance and highway reliability. I have heard of Sherman’s transmission and the reputation they have on quality. …”
Aaron Claridy
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